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A View From The Other Side

We have not published many guest posts at Unofficial Alpine, but this one was sent from the other side of the mountain today and it offers a little bit different perspective. I will also be the first to admit that my piece this morning was a bit rushed, in an effort to get the news out first. So here it is:

Greetings from the Valley in Transition

By Dan White

This morning, the much-awaited news released of the new resort name that now encompasses two bases: Alpine Meadows and Olympic Valley. While armchair quarterbacks continue to do their thing in nearly every comments section online about the change, there’s no stopping the force behind Alterra’s corporate transition away from SVAM. 

In their introductory video to the new resort name, Palisades Tahoe makes it clear the drum beat of traditions at Olympic Valley will continue, visually shouting out formative individuals of the storied valley, from Wayne Poulsen and Alex Cushing to Saucer Boy himself. It’s clear that they want the driving force of 72 years of history to continue to be associated with these mountains. 

Saucer Boy made it into the official PT announcement video. 

A lot of discussion in comments sections doesn’t quite grasp the meaning behind the new name – but any expert rider at either mountain should get it. Both mountains have incredible terrain off their highest peaks (Ward Peak and, yes, it’s still called Squaw Peak, for now) referred to as Palisades. 

Here on the ground in Olympic Valley, on the day of the name change, there’s a delightful sense of transition – where the old logo and brand are currently intermixed with the new on nearly every corner of the resort and surroundings. I snapped a few shots from around the valley this morning to enjoy this moment of transition here in Olympic Valley. 

Delightful irony awaits just past the entrance to Olympic Valley.

At least they didn’t name the whole resort after the Fingers, right?

The merch store in the village had this sign up – and of course, was completely full of SVAM swag still. Where will that end up? 

Can’t waste any time getting those sponsorship deals updated! 

And in “actual news that’s not just name-related”,  it also seems like changes are also coming to the parking lot in front of the village, where the rows are now marked all for car pool / 3+ persons parking only:

Finally, for a bonus shot, here’s what the foundation of the Olympic Valley base of the California “Express” Gondola looked like a week ago. As Andy pointed out in his post last week, this feels….improbable to be completed this season. 



Dan White’s first memory is sliding down icy east coast slopes at two years old. He’s now happy to call Olympic Valley home. When not skiing, Dan’s often mixing music on DJ decks.

13 thoughts on “A View From The Other Side”

  1. I think Palisades Tahoe is too many syllables, but I like all the efforts to highlight history. Love the new logo, both the symbolism of the eagle and the more western, sunset-inspired colors. (And go Giants!)

    1. Well said and totally agree.

      When people ask hey where do you ski or where do you live?, you think locals who have lived here for decades are going to say anything other than that actually not racial slur one syllable word?

      And also as someone mentioned in a comment on the original post, the mountains nor the ancient native americans that habitated that beauitiful mountain meadow do not even care.

      But hey at least AMC will spend millions on logo name change for marketing, uniforms, ski accessories and even company vehicles but how much are they actually spending on the so called ancient land preservation, oh right massive attorneys fees for appeal of village development denial first and of course nothing on affordable employee housing.

      No hypocrisy there, nope absolutely none.
      Common sense, logic either hah.

    2. I agree that a two-syllable version of the name is needed for quick communication purposes. What’s that old story about the

      Pally? Pals? Sades? None of these really work.

  2. I skied at AM since 1971; as a National Ski patroller, then as a “105” (doctor’s patrol). Retired in 2006. AM and the “other valley” are apples and oranges, as were their respective developers. So I’d like to see credit given to the developers of AM, John Riley and Peter Klaussen who opened AM in 1961. So far only the two developers of the other side were mentioned; their sometimes contentious relationship was likewise in contrast with the relationship between Mr. Riley and Mr. Klaussen.

  3. Thinking of marketing and seo search engine optimization etc, wouldnt a name that began with one of first letters of the alphabet be more logical and come up first on a search for say Tahoe ski areas? Kinda why the corp name that was chosen over KSL Keep Standing in Line became AMC Already More Crowded er Alterra, sure.
    Would love to to hear the Mt Rose skiers aka Rosetta Stoners chime in on this whole nonsense
    Comedy gotta laugh at all of this just gotta laugh.

    1. That’s an old phone book trick, but it doesn’t really work in modern SEO. However, one of my own personal ideas / rejected names for the resort was Lake Tahoe Ski Resort….now that’s SEO marketing!

  4. I like the new name, “Palisades Tahoe,” for the formerly named Squaw Valley. Alpine Meadows, however, will always be “Alpine Meadows” to me and my family — if not on signage, at least in our hearts. This year marks the 50th year I have skied at Alpine Meadows.

  5. I just watched the video that accompanied the announcement of the new name. Johnny mostly says it quite plainly “as our two mountains come together under one name” I suspect that while there but will be room for the Alpine Meadows moniker, I also expect Palisades Tahoe to be placed more and more prominently all over Alpine Meadows locality. It is what it is I suppose.

  6. Name’s ok I guess, although just Palisades or The Palisades would be better. But the logo leaves me cold. There’s a picture of Shane in midair dropping a huge cornice that I posted in TGR. Make a silhouette out of it and put it where the eagle is–a la the NBA and Jerry West’s picture. The family could probably use the licensing fee.

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