We’ve made the move to another server to facilitate some expansion ahead, and we’re happy to report that things seem to be fully in gear after 24 hours of monkeying around behind the scenes. Thanks for your patience.
Someone sent us some pictures today that point out the staked out locations for the upper terminal. It’s pretty much as the map suggests. It looks like you will still be able to get a straight shot toward Expert Shortcut after exiting Sherwood to return to the front side.
In addition to replacing the Hot Wheels snowmaking piping for better capacity, one of the underutilized automatic snowmakers from Kangaroo was moved to the Hot Wheels area. Rumor is that some regrading was done to create more of a slope in the “trail of tears” flat spot near the Chalet. Snowboarders may rejoice.
Aspens in our neighborhood are starting to turn colors and weather forecasters are noting the required changes in the pattern for bringing in fall storms soon. There’s a lot of different views on how the weather may pan out this year. It seems as if we have a wet September, the winter always peters out before it gets going. This September has been remarkably warm and dry. Fingers are crossed.