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I Should Have Known

Sometimes I know, before I go, that the cosmos is not lined up for me, but I go anyway. New snow fell again last night. Perhaps six inches were added to the deep snow from the day before, creating expectations for another powder morning. The hope was that yesterday’s crowds would have dissipated, leaving a mountain of powder for a normal Friday crowd. Friday crowds are not low-person events anymore, but they are nothing like the crowds we had yesterday.

According to one person I spoke with this morning, 6000 people were on the hill at Alpine Meadows yesterday. 6000 patrons far exceed the number of skiers the mountain can comfortably handle. Perhaps that is why lift lines were excessive at the base of most lifts yesterday morning. The fact that not all lifts were open at Alpine Meadows for much of the day, and only a couple of lifts were open at Palisades for most of the day, assisted in creating the excessive lines.

Many lifts on the Palisades side were again closed today, including the gondola. The same was true on the Alpine Meadows side of the mountain. Summit opened to begin the day, but winds closed it down before noon. Sherwood was also open for a portion of the morning, but it also closed. Roundhouse and TLC were the only lifts open for the entire day.

My day began with a slip and near fall at the top of the stairs leading out of the breezeway. Luckily I did not fall, but my poles went flying in all directions. We rode Roundhouse looking for fresh powder. My first thought was to try God’s Knob. I did not find lovely powder. Instead I found a base that had been over-skied yesterday. I fought my way down the short slope, bouncing off small, firm moguls that were topped with a layer of wind-packed snow.

Crossing the groomed flat area of Rock Garden heading toward the base of Alpine Bowl Chair, I found some enjoyable powder in between the forest of trees. This is another short ride, but it felt good. Chicken Leg held fresh powder shots that left good-looking turns behind me for a couple of tours through the slope. We did not go to the top of the mountain today because of the flat light and high winds that eventually closed Summit Chair. I heard that there were some good turns to be cut, but the flat light is a real deterrent for me these days.

The AI interpretation of Andy in the snow

The second cosmic issue that told me today was a good day to take it easy and stay warm inside occurred when I shot from a groomed trail into deep powder, causing me to lose my balance and fall over. I was stuck facing downhill with one ski buried in snow that was masquerading as concrete. I could not move the ski that was buried, and I was unable to click the binding open. A big thank you to the kind women who stopped and pulled me to a standing position so I could recover and continue onward.

We rode TLC to the top and skied partway down to Sherwood as it was still open at the time. A few turns in the Sherwood Forest followed by a moment of standing still on the main Sherwood run with a howling wind driving snow into our faces convinced us to take the road back to Weasel Trail and return to the locker room. It was a short day for me, but sometimes it is better to listen to your inner self and follow its suggestions.

I did have lunch sitting next to another Alpine skier who was out longer than I was, who indicated he had the best day of his season this morning. Perhaps the day got better in the afternoon, but I was not there to partake in it.

Today was the Gold Bond Base Layer Swimsuit Ski Event at Palisades. I thought the event inspired by Chelsea Handler was going to be on one of the lifts on the upper mountain, but it was held (I think) on the First Venture Lift. The idea was to break the Guinness World Record for the largest swimsuit ski run. Contestants were asked to show up in a dark-colored swimsuit. The hope was for thousands to show up. I have not heard the results, but I think that was another reason to stay warm inside today. It has been snowing most of the day. Before darkness settles in, I am hoping to remove a couple of feet of snow from my deck.

Enjoy your day,

3 thoughts on “I Should Have Known”

    1. Well according to the photo, Andy completely lost one pole. The other pole has the pole basket midway on the pole and it has no handle. Also his poles changed from screaming green to black during the fall. Andy also looks younger than I remember.

  1. You’ve captured my day pretty well also. Additionally, something was up with the Mountaineer as estimated times went from 42 minutes to 61 minutes. Some drivers must have gotten stuck somewhere.

    6,000 is a bit mind boggling, but with the slope traffic yesterday I believe it.

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