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Summer Views Around Alpine Meadows

Instead of pushing lot and condominium listings along the Truckee River and in Alpine Meadows, I thought it would be more enjoyable to post a couple of photos taken a couple of days go at Alpine Meadows.

The parking lot is full of tree trunks taken from the hill as part of their forest management program. It is so depressing to see the number of trees that have died on the mountain. Many of them are now lying peacefully in the parking lot.

Our hike up to Scott Peak included a visit to one of my favorite trees. I am happy to say that Broccoli Tree still appears to be in good condition. Hopefully it will out last all of us.

Wildflowers in the upper elevations are creating a rainbow of colors as they have blooming brightly in our very warm sunshine.

Another old Juniper tree along the path toward Scott Peak
The lake was dead calm 10 minutes before I took this photo. Winds from a quick thunderstorm created a very rough surface

It has been nice to have a few short heavy downpours the last couple of days as thunderstorms have come and gone. Last night at the Common Beach in Tahoe City those moving to the Sunday afternoon music blasting out from the stage discovered that rain makes mud. The grass area reserved for dancing in front of the stage was soaking wet from an earlier thunderstorm causing the surface to become muddy. Our shoes, flip-flops, or bare feet were caked with mud after the show.

Enjoy your day,


4 thoughts on “Summer Views Around Alpine Meadows”

  1. That’s a lot of dead trees! Yet, I know there are far more out there. I have enjoyed a return of some thunderstorms this week. It’s been a long wait to get rid of all of that yellow pollen that was hanging around since June. Fortunately, this week’s storms have been accompanied by a good amount of rain so no big fires have ensued yet.

    Today we were biking around Donner Lake with the usual suspects and it turned in to the race around Donner Lake as the thunderheads began to darken and threaten downpours.

  2. Hey Andy, What’s the story of the Sasquatch statue in the forest above the Chalet? Looks like it has been there for years? Thanks. Stu

    1. We are not sure of the exact origin of the Sasquatch or Yeti near the Chalet. But it was installed at the request of some team coaches. It serves as a designated place for a team to meet up that is a bit more out of the way. It’s a target for snowballs besides the coaches too.

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