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Hello Friends,
We skied 8 runs this morning between 8am and 10am. All but one of the runs were on the Summit Chair. During this period of time the crowd was not overwhelming and best of all they were well- behaved. Skiers and snowboarders appeared to be willing to make an effort to be considerate of others on the limited slopes available. The trails are narrow and especially narrow at the final run out to the base of Summit and Roundhouse Chairs. Access to the base of Roundhouse is via the Tiegel slope. The normal path from Sandy’s Corner to the base of Roundhouse has burned out and is now dirt.

Waiting for Summit to open after walking from the lodge deck over dirt and mud to the maze. Why not straw to cover the mud.


Ribbon of snow from Sandy’s Corner to the base of Summit

Skiing was better than we anticipated, but deteriorating quickly. It was 70 degrees at noon. Skier traffic over thin slopes and very warm weather exposed dirt, rocks, and logs increasingly as the day moved along. Extreme care is needed when turning down the trails as each trail changes with each run. That said, the skiing was pretty good this morning. Alpine Bowl, Wolverine, and Dance Floor were groomed. The initial surface was relatively smooth.

Dance Floor was groomed this morning

Sunspot was fairly narrow, but offered a nice spring surface. D7, D8, and Palisades were dotted with moguls that were pretty large, but there surface remained just a few inches deep. The moguls were not soft and mushy as they were last Friday.



Moguls, some pretty large dotting the Palisades slopes


I did see a few people taking off skis and walking to ski The Face, but it seemed ridiculous to me. We skied TLC once at the end of our short morning. The coverage on TLC was reasonable until you arrived at the top of the Tiegel Run. From the top of Tiegel there is a narrow ribbon of snow leading back to Roundhouse and the lodge. On each side of the white ribbon flowers are beginning to bloom.

White Ribbon of snow leading to Roundhouse from Tiegel.

Snow creeping down Wolverine Bowl is leaving a large crevice


The deck looking ready for a 4th of July crowd as skiers walk up to Summit through the mud.

Happy people dressed in all kinds of outfits blessed the slopes with their color this morning. It was a happy morning today with well-behaved patrons enjoying some last minute spring skiing. Include me in that group.

Don’t forget tomorrow a reservation for parking is required.

Enjoy your day,


3 thoughts on “Well-Behaved”

  1. Noting that today was the least busy day of June, and that did help. I stayed a bit later than you and there was a fair share of bad behavior later in the day, mostly people that really didn’t think about anyone else other than themselves. There seems to be a lot of that in the world these days. Skiing was fun until it got really sticky due to the heat.

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