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Pack It In and Pack It Out

One more story about the overcrowding this past weekend. The wife of my friend Bill, who’s name is Lisa, thought it would be a reasonable idea to go to the Olympic Valley Post Office on Saturday morning around 9:30 am. Lisa left from their home near the slopes at Alpine Meadows and drove to the Olympic Valley Post Office. According to Bill it took her 3 hours to get her package. This is approximately 6.7 miles each way. On a day without traffic this is a 12 minute drive one way.

Wind Sculpted Slopes were a little Rough to Ski

There was some wind left over at the top of Summit Chair this morning. Ice crystals pitted my face as I attempted to ski down Wolverine Bowl from the saddle. Skiing was lovely on the groomed runs and pretty good in areas that were not sculpted by the strong winds we endured yesterday.

Moguls are growing daily in many places. The snow that covers the moguls is what some referred to as stiffer. The snow is a little more firm creating a rougher ride for those that like moguls. I only skied until noon today so I do not know if the winds at Summit diminished in the afternoon. I assume that they did lessen. North Sympathy Face, Fall Line, Rolls and Knolls, and Deer Camp offered smaller moguls that were not wind sculpted. We took a run down Gentian that was in the same condition today as it was yesterday.

This afternoon I needed to stretch a little so I parked at the Fire Station in Olympic Valley and took a walk on the walking/bike trail that is plowed all winter. I walked from the Fire Station to the Resort Hotel. Walls along the path are over five feet high is places making it feel like a small version of the Grand Canyon.

There is a groomed cross country trail that makes an oval track in the meadow for those that might want to get some exercise skate or stride skiing. I did not see any skiers on my walk using the trail, but I did see a couple of people riding bikes on the snow. In the photo attached they are taking a rest.

If you are not a skier, you can skate around the ice rink at the hotel. There are so many things to do in Olympic Valley other than ski.

Of course shopping does not count as a winter sport, but you can shop. There is a jacket in the hotel sport shop that attracted my attention, but the $1,000 plus price tag kept me from taking it home.

I was skiing with a friend yesterday who is a long time local. She thought I should mention that those new to the area and those vacationing need to learn how to relieve themselves in the woods. I am guessing this is more for women than men, but either need to learn that you do not leave anything behind (paper is what I am talking about). Our forests need to remain as pristine as possible. If you use it, take it home with you.
If you rode Summit Chair today then you may have noted the wind drift formed at the top of D8. There are a number of these around the area formed from the high winds we have experienced over the last few days. It is amazing the art that nature can produce in such a short time.

Wind Drift at the top of D8

Enjoy your day,


1 thought on “Pack It In and Pack It Out”

  1. So the wind has packed the snow in. How am I supposed to pack it back out? Should I be filling my pockets with snow?

    We skied until 2pm, with our last run on Summit. It was still quite windy at that time.

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