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Slowly Adding Terrain

It did not seem as if there were as many skiers and boarders on the hill today as yesterday, but there were more than necessary. The schools were back in session today which may have kept a few people from heading to the slopes. The lower lot at Alpine was not filled, but the upper lot sure looked stuffed.

The issue, of course, was not the number of skiers and boarders on the slope, but the number waiting in line. Scott was on the schedule for the first time this season. The question of the morning was how to get to Scott. Do we take TLC to the mid-station and race down Weasel to the maze or do we head up Roundhouse and race down Yellow Trail etc.? We chose Roundhouse and waited in decent line, but not one that was overdone. There was no line a Summit. We could not see the line at TLC as the new maintenance building blocks the view of the base station of TLC from Roundhouse.

Suddenly as the clock moved toward 9am, the liftie at the Roundhouse base station, yells that there is a grooming hold or some such thing and opening would be delayed. How long? No telling at this time he yelled back. His advise was to go over to TLC as Summit was also on a hold (it turns out for an extremely short amount of time). Over to TLC we all went and stood in line with everyone else (some people took Meadow and then skated over to Scott). The line at Scott was bulging at the seams as people stood waiting for it to open. After all the rigmarole we ended up splitting and took some runs on Roundhouse and Summit. Later we bagged a few powder turns in the area of Standard Run where the snow was setting up except in the trees.

I am not complaining, but just a little sad that I was unable to get untracked in Gentian. We did love skiing the cold winter pack in D7 and Pygmy Forest as well as the ungroomed lower slopes that included Terry’s Return, Yellow Trail, Red Ridge, an Werner’s Schuss. Skiing is excellent.

Sunshine blessed us again this morning, but this afternoon it seems to have clouded over and flattened the light once again. Cold overnight temperatures are keeping thick cotton-like balls of snow clinging to tree branches making everything look like an enchanted forest. Beautiful scenery is half of the joy of skiing.

Enjoy your day,



2 thoughts on “Slowly Adding Terrain”

  1. I didn’t bother with Scott today. The bonus of having the big line at Scott was that there were no lines at Summit, Roundhouse or TLC today. We took advantage of the fluffy snow all over the rest of the mountain and enjoyed just skiing with friends with no stress or waiting in line. There will be other powder days and it will be far less hectic when both mountains are fully open.

    Andy did not mention that the photo above shows a large crown above the ABC barn. That avalanche happened earlier in the storm cycle before Summit reopened. It ran over the barn and you could still see a deposition pile at the bottom of Alpine Bowl just above the trees at the top of Rock Garden. So when you wonder why it can take some time to open terrain, there you go…

  2. I can only picture skiing this day as you describe it. Best line – the last one….Beautiful scenery is half the joy of skiing. At times almost intoxicating….
    Heading up tomorrow. Save some snow for us please.

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