It’s been a few weeks now since the Ice Bar opened at Sherwood. It seems as if the Ice Bar is having an identity crisis. The new structure clearly screams “waffle hut”, but no waffles are in sight. Confused Ice Bar veterans keep hoping for the smell of a BBQ. But instead, we have been forced to endure a lackluster selection of expensive beer, Clif bars and potato chips.
Don’t get me wrong, I understand what has happened. It’s somewhat of a miracle that Sherwood opened this season. Back in late February it looked like the season was
going to come to a brutal end quickly. We applaud KSL’s efforts in getting as much as the mountain open as they can, and keeping it open under the most marginal conditions. We applaud the effort to open the Ice Bar, when the old management would have done a money hold on the Ice Bar for the year.
This post is truly in the spirit of giving an open forum for people to say what they want at the Ice Bar. It probably won’t happen for this season, but next season is already on the way. So here’s some ideas:
• The current music situation at the Ice Bar is pathetic. What happened to the old sound system? As much fun as we made of the Disco Cat last year, let’s park that thing at the Ice Bar! I had thought that maybe it went to Homewood with JMA, but last weekend I saw it parked behind the maintenance barn.
• Bring back some park features below the Ice Bar. That was an awesome idea last year. Having a few park features built below the Ice Bar gave people something to do and something to watch.
• Plan some simple events and games. Previous costume contests, volleyball courts, etc have all been winners. When the snow gets sticky in the spring, it’s great to have some other diversions on the mountain.
• Food…well, it gets complicated. See the poll below for what people are thinking.
We sure hope that people take the time to express some opinions about what you want for the Ice Bar. For what it’s worth, the management has been pretty good about listening to public opinion these days.
If the poll doesn’t cover your desires – add a comment and I can add it to the poll too.
Sorry, there are no polls available at the moment.
Both the Ice Bar and Chalet have been pale imitations of their former selves since management took over their operation. This is not a criticism, just an observation. Anyone who remembers Bryant or Tomato Man would agree. And the money spent on the “GroomBox” was wasted.
The old ice bar was WAY better, I took one look at this current incarnation and thought “what is that thing doing out here?”. Food better, vibe better, everything better before the changes..