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Pass Deadline Extended…And The Most Unremarkable List Of Improvements Ever

Yawn. Squalpine made the usual announcement that the Super Pass “deadline” has been extended. You now have an additional 23 days to purchase your pass at the cheapest rate. If you have have purchased a pass at any of the mega-resorts over the last few years, you know that the new deadline also means nothing. None of the big boys wants to be the first to actually raise rates any significant amount, lest any of us decide to switch to a new mountain. It’s our guess the deadline will be extended again. When rates go up, it’s unlikely to be a budget buster. In fact, if you’re paying for your pass with your credit cards to avoid the increase – you may end up paying more in interest than what you save.

Yet, the mega-corps need our money as early as possible to make miracles happen over the summer season. Squalpine released their list of exciting new improvements…$8 million dollars worth. We’re doubting that it’s inspiring many more people to buy a pass for next season.


Let’s take them one by one:

• There can’t be any major improvements to snow making capability for a part of $8 million. There won’t be a Renaissance n that department.

• New snowcats? I sure hope one of them includes a pipecutter for Alpine Meadows. The grooming department did a fantastic job at Alpine this season – some people will say too well. In a lackluster snow year, that was huge! If the groomers say they need a new cat or two, that’s a good thing.

• A yoga studio and home furnishing store in the village? This is where we see that someone in marketing has their priorities all wrong. Sure, send that info out to the Squaw folks – but do we really care at Alpine Meadows? Still shaking my head over that announcement…

• Terrain park improvements…that horse has been beat to death. Why not find a sponsor to pay for cool new toys? It seems as if the National Geographic Channel would want to promote their new “Mountain Movers” series

• Room renovations at the village at Squaw Valley…WTH? Why am I paying for that with my pass? I have not stayed in a room at Squaw Valley since 1981.

• New signage on the mountain…yeah, it’s probably about time. Details were given a couple of months ago in this post.

All in all, it’s a very lackluster list of announcements that will likely not sell many passes. Would they sell more passes if the tagline were something more akin to “Buy Your Pass Now Or Pay $104 For A Day Ticket Next Christmas!”


5 thoughts on “Pass Deadline Extended…And The Most Unremarkable List Of Improvements Ever”

  1. Such a pathetic list of improvements. Wouldn’t mind seeing some new groomer cats to build on the amazing grooming we saw this season, but let’s face it, KSL is more interested in enhancing Squaw. Overall, a very disappointing list of improvements…

  2. We are moving to Donner Ski Ranch for my 8 and 6 year old. When they master the hill we may be back.
    Will be tough for Dad, but it is all about the kids at this point.

    I can get full passes for my family of 4 for about what it would cost me for a locker in room 3, OK for 100 bucks more/ but still.

    299 passes for kids at Alpine is not all that family friendly. I will miss all my Alpine friends and the hill.

    Not sure what the deal is with the park in the middle of Dance Floor, or whatever it is called.

    I say bring back the Spring Fling Pass!!! Better together is a really stupid ad also.

    Unofficial rocks!!!

  3. Unofficial DSR would be fun. I would love to do it.

    I am actually trying to get a start up kids dev team over there, starting with my 2 boys.

    DSR is underrated. Should be an interesting experiment.


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